Statement from Child Care Action Council
At Child Care Action Council our work centers around ensuring children have equitable learning opportunities. We are committed to supporting staff in understanding bias, particularly racial, but also socio-economic and other bias, the lasting and continuing impacts of institutional racism and white privilege, and cultural humility. We provide opportunities for early childhood educators and parents to come together to learn and reflect on cultural respect and responsiveness, and teaching and learning about racism with young children. We provide training to early educators to help raise a generation of children who are thoughtful, informed, and brave about race.
Our commitment is to the children, families, and early educators that we serve. To listen to them, to hear their stories, and to honor them. We will continue to work in collaboration with them to advance equity, foster young children’s positive racial identities, and work to support young children’s learning and understanding about race and racism.
The past two weeks have been a challenging and emotional one. The tragic deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Ahmaud Arbery, and far, far too many others, are examples of the inhumane treatment and targeting of our Black communities. We stand in solidarity with those who are speaking out and taking action in a positive and peaceful manner for a more equitable and just country, and we ask all of you to do the same.