Child Care Basics (CCB) is the initial training to meet part of the health and safety requirements for providers working in licensed early learning programs. This 30-hour series prepares early learning professionals to be knowledgeable of child development, resourceful in planning activities, skilled in guiding behavior, and able to maintain healthy environments. Child Care Basics is based on Washington State’s Core Competencies for Early Care and Education Professionals. Interactive learning activities, video clips, discussion questions, and additional resources provide a variety of learning opportunities. The curriculum is designed to meet the needs of both childcare center staff and family home childcare providers.
Child Care Aware/CCAC will be offering Child Care Basics in English and Spanish throughout the year. This 30-hour, self-paced course is facilitated by a CCAC trainer and requires participation in online discussion boards and communication with the instructor via email. Please check that the email address you used to register in the DCYF Training site is still active and be prepared to respond to emails from the instructor each week.
To search for classes and register:
1. Log into your DCYF Training Portal account at
2. In the Catalogue section on the left side, click on the Cohorts subtab
3. Under Role, select Licensed Child Care
4. All available trainings will be listed at the bottom. Select the cohort you would like (start and end dates will be listed in the training title.)
5. Click the blue Register button to enroll. After registering, the cohort will be listed under the In Progress section. You can access the training modules on the start date of the cohort.
When you select a class, make special note of the start and end dates. All online assignments must be completed before the listed end date to receive class credit.
If you would like to be notified when CCAC opens registration for additional classes, click here and fill out CCAC’s contact list for Child Care Basics. If you have additional questions about classes in English, you can also contact Nancy Hobson at Child Care Action Council, or (360)786-8907 x100.
Si tiene preguntas adicionales, comuníquese con Natalie Chavez en Child Care Action Council, (360) 581-6704 o
April Westermann, Gonzalo Gilabert, Kim Mather-Schopen, Norma Hernandez, and Tracy Goodrich
FREE to providers required to take this series
Multiple Series Available
Online through the DCYF Training site