Enhancing Quality Early Learning (EQEL) is a 20-hour training series completed over two years. The EQEL training series is available at no cost for providers hired or promoted after August 1, 2019 into a role that requires this training. This class is also part of PACE, the community-based training option for meeting WAC education requirements. Visit DCYFs Training Requirements webpage for more information.
EQEL Year 1 is a 10-hour training series which builds on content learned in Child Care Basics (CCB). EQEL Year 1 includes Part 1: Responsive Caregiving, and Part 2: Brain Building & Executive Function.
EQEL Year 2 is a 10-hour training series which builds on content learned in EQEL Year 1. EQEL Year 2 includes Part 1: Engaging Interactions and Environments, and Part 2: Positive Behavior Supports.
Child Care Action Council offers EQEL Year 1 and Year 2 live-online and self-paced throughout the year:
LIVE-ONLINE CLASSES – this 4-class training series will be held live on Zoom (it will not be recorded.) To participate and receive STARS credit, you will need a strong internet connection, a device that allows you to see and hear the content, and the ability to un-mute or type responses during activities and discussions.
Click Here to view a list of currently available Live Online classes and Register. More live-online EQEL Year 1 and EQEL Year 2 classes are added throughout the year!
After registering, watch your email for additional information. One week before the first class, you will receive a confirmation email with further details, including the workbooks and Zoom link used in this training series. Please note, active participations and full attendance in all 10 hours of EQEL are required for STARS credit.
SELF-PACED CLASSES – this self-paced option takes place on the DCYF Training site and requires participation in online discussion boards and communication with the CCAC trainer via email. Please check that the email address you used to register in the DCYF Training site is still active and be prepared to respond to emails from the instructor each week.
To search for classes and register:
1. Log into your DCYF Training Portal account at dcyftraining.com
2. In the Catalogue section on the left side, click on the Cohorts subtab
3. Under Role, select Licensed Child Care
4. All available trainings will be listed at the bottom. Select the cohort you would like (start and end dates will be listed in the training title.)
5. Click the blue Register button to enroll. After registering, the cohort will be listed under the In Progress section. You can access the training modules on the start date of the cohort.
When you select a class and register, please note the start and end dates. All online assignments must be completed and reviewed by the instructor before the end date to receive class credit.
More self-paced classes are added each month! You can also search MERIT or login to the DCYF Training site to find additional trainings.
Need More Information?
If the class you need isn’t currently available, you can click here and fill out CCAC’s contact list for EQEL Year 1 and Year 2. Once added to the Contact list, CCAC will email you when new classes become available.
If you have additional questions about Child Care Action Council classes in English, you can contact Nancy Hobson at our main office, Nancy.Hobson@CCACWA.org or (360)786-8907 x100.
Si tiene preguntas adicionales, comuníquese con Norma Hernandez en Child Care Action Council, (360) 581-6704 o Norma.Hernandez@CCACWA.org.