Child Care Action Council wants to hear from you!

Are you a parent, a child care provider or a business owner? We are looking for stories specifically from our region of Thurston, Mason, Kitsap, Jefferson, Clallam and Grays Harbor on how child care or lack thereof has affected you, your family or your business. Please take a few moments to fill out this brief survey by scanning the QR code or by clicking the button below. We need your help us capture what it is like to try to access affordable child care on the Olympic Peninsula. If you are interested in learning more about what we are working on in preparation for the 2025 Legislative Session, please reach out to

Get involved and learn more about the child care crisis and the statewide efforts for accessible, affordable child care AND a living wage for child care providers.


2024 Session Highlights for Child Care Action Council

Child Care Aware of Washington’s Universal Access and Living Wages Campaign is both a unique opportunity and ambitious calling, with the possibility of transforming Washington’s child care system. Due to this, it will require an unprecedented amount of advocacy, mobilization, and community organizing. Child Care Aware of WA’s regional programs sit in a perfect position to help the campaign successfully advocate for these policy changes by leading community efforts in support of the vision of universal access for parents and living wages for providers. That’s where Child Care Action Council, providers, and parents in our region come in! We are launching two separate advocacy cohort groups for providers and parents in which you will have the opportunity to:
  1. Receive advocacy training from CCAC.
  2. Receive media training provided by Child Care Aware of WA.
  3. Participate in community forums.
  4. Be invited to attend law maker meetings.
  5. Attend a monthly meeting with other providers across the region.
We are counting on providers in our region to help share the story of child care needs and access as well as help inform parents, other providers and community members of this new campaign to provide living wages for providers and affordable care for families.


Advocacy Resources

How to Write Your Legislators

Child Care Advocacy Action Center!

Welcome to the Child Care Action Council Advocacy Action Center! See below for our most-recent advocacy action alert, or to sign up for our email alert list to stay up-to-date on future advocacy opportunities!


What You Can Do

It is never too early or too late to let your legislators know you support state investment in high-quality child care and Early Achievers, and in increasing the reimbursement rates paid to providers who accept children on state subsidies/Working Connections Child Care.

Are you a parent struggling to find or afford childcare and want to share your story? Do you have a great child care provider and want to share how they support your family or your ability to work or go to school? Contact April and she will be happy to assist you!


Child Care and Early Learning Data Resources
Data Dashboards:


Kitsap Child Care Data

Thurston Child Care Data

Mason Child Care Data

Jefferson Child Care Data

Clallam Child Care Data