Station 5 – Garfield Elementary School

Did you know the Joseph Wohleb designed Garfield School that was demolished for the present building was very much like the surviving Lincoln School and old Washington School on Eastside Street, all also designed by Wohleb in a Mission Revival architectural style? You can read about Garfield’s History HERE.
Families can stay up to date on all thing Garfield Elementary by checking out the Garfield WEBSITE.
Some pages of note include:
Flyers and information on Community Events
School Resources, such as buses, lunch menus, making payments, and bullying
Garfield Elementary was named after James Garfield, who was elected as the United States’ 20th President in 1881. His Presidency was cut short after 200 days when he was assassinated. Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of the telephone, tried unsuccessfully to invent a tool to help heal the president. You can read all about President Garfield HERE.
As you walk around Garfield Elementary, there are several streets PARALLEL and PERPENDICULAR. What are their names? Are they Parallel or Perpendicular? Can you guess how they got named?

See if you can find:
Jackson Avenue
Madison Avenue
Thomas Street
Garfield Avenue
Perry Street
Woodruff Park (Named after Sam Woodruff, who was born in China in 1858. He returned to Olympia and made his living as a printer and bookseller.)

David Goes To School by David Shannon
David’s teacher has her hands full. From running in the halls to chewing gum in class, David’s high-energy antics fill each schoolday with trouble — and are sure to bring a smile to even the best-behaved reader.
Find the Library book HERE.

If You Take a Mouse to School by Laura Numeroff (Author) and Felicia Bond (Illustrator)
If you take a mouse to school, he’ll ask you for your lunch box. When you give him your lunch box, he’ll want a sandwich to go in it. Then he’ll need a notebook and some pencils. He’ll probably want to share your backpack, too.