Station 2 – Inclusion





Our community is made up of all sorts of wonderful individuals who may celebrate different cultures, speak different languages, look different to you, and go around the world in different ways. We are all parts of a quilt, which is made more beautiful by all the different patches sewn on!


Did you know that one of the early pioneers to Thurston County was African American? His name was George Bush and he and his wife Isabella moved to Tumwater Falls in 1844 since the Oregon Territory would not allow people who were not white to make a home, and they could settle here. Bush Prairie and Bush Middle School are both named after this influential family. Many other African Americans came to Thurston County before Washington was even a state. They all had a dream to live in peace and freedom. The Olympia Historical Society has a great Walking Map of African American landmarks. Many are near here! Map


When you are using the Walking Map, make sure to stroll over to the Bush Family monument on the Capitol Campus. Unveiled in November 2021, this new monument honors Black pioneer George Bush and his family, who were among the first non-Native settlers in the Washington Territory. George and Isabella’s son William Owen Bush served in the inaugural Washington State Legislature and helped to found the school that became Washington State University. See the monument and the Bush Butternut Tree in Olympia, and read more about the Bush family on the WSHS website.





Dr. Martin Luther King had a dream, too. He dreamed all people would be treated equal. “I Have a Dream” is a public speech that was delivered by Martin Luther King Jr. during the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom on August 28, 1963. You can see his speech here.





What is your dream? Follow this fun video for a great art project to celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King and your right to dream! Video





The Washington State History Museum in Tacoma has a great Civil Rights Activity for children. You can find the activity here: Civil Rights  Information about visiting the Washington State History Museum can be found here: Visit


You can ride the bus to visit the Washington State History Museum. Plan your trip HERE


What does CIVIL RIGHTS mean? Civil rights for every person means that regardless of gender, skin color, religion, nationality, age, disability, or religion, a person should not be discriminated against. Discrimination is when someone is treated unfairly or differently.





Blacks in Thurston County, Washington 1950 to 1975: A Community Album. Dr. Thelma Jackson presents a first-ever look at the history of Black life in Thurston County. You can read the press around it HERE or purchase it HERE (or at Browsers Bookshop, if available).





Another way to treat everyone fairly is to make sure everyone can get around. Look at the corner of the street. Look at the paint and texture where you cross the street. What do you see? What color is the sidewalk? What is the texture? Why do you think it is like this?


This is called a CURB RAMP. Curb ramps help more people get on the sidewalk. Without them, people who use walkers or wheelchairs have to walk in the street. Many curb ramps have a bright yellow area covered in small, bumpy domes. These are called “detectable warnings.” People who are blind can feel the domes with their feet or a cane, and people who have low vision can see the bright yellow. The detectable warnings tell people they are getting close to the street.






We Move Together Hardcover by Kelly Fritsch  (Author), Anne McGuire  (Author), and Eduardo Trejos  (Illustrator)


A bold and colorful exploration of all the ways that people navigate through the spaces around them and a celebration of the relationships we build along the way. We Move Together follows a mixed-ability group of kids as they creatively negotiate everyday barriers and find joy and connection in disability culture and community. A perfect tool for families, schools, and libraries to facilitate conversations about disability, accessibility, social justice and community building. Includes a kid-friendly glossary (for ages 3–10).


Find the Library book HERE.




I’ll Walk with You by Carol Lynn Pearson (Author), Jane Sanders (Illustrator)


Help little ones learn to show love for the people around them, no matter how they look, sound, pray, love, or think.