Station 10: Washington State History

We live in a wonderful State! How much do you know about Washington?
Did you know that “The Evergreen State” is not an official motto for Washington? It was penned by C.T. Conover, an Seattle Pioneer. On November 11, 1889, Washington became the 42nd state to enter the Union. It is the only state in the Union that is named for a president.

And did you know our State Capitol Building is designed to look similar to the Acropolis in Athens, Greece? It also looks close to design to the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C. It was first occupied by the Legislature in March 1927.
Here’s some official State Symbols:
State Flower – Coast Rhododendron
State Fruit – Apple
State Grass – Bluebunch Wheatgrass
STate Tree – Western Hemlock
State Vegetable – Walla Walla Sweet Onion
State Amphibian – Pacific Chorus Frog
State Bird – Willow Goldfinch
State Insect – Green Darner Dragonfly
State Fish – Steelhead Trout
State Endemic Mammal – Olympic Marmot
State Marine Mammal – Orca
State Dance – Square Dance
State Folk Song – “Roll On, Columbia, Roll On“
State Song – “Washington, My Home“
State Gem – Petrified Wood
State Sport – Pickleball
Want more information? You can visit the Washington History Museum in Tacoma. The Washington State History Museum offers free admission the third Thursday of each month from 3 to 8 pm. Double check on-line or call 1-888-238-4373 before you head up. Check out their schedule HERE. They also have Family Saturdays where families can participate in themed self-guided activities. You can ride the bus to visit the Washington State History Museum. Plan your trip HERE.
You can also find original records, autographs, maps, and photos online from various sources such as the State Archives HERE.
Do you like to color? Download the Icons of Washington coloring book for some rainy day fun.
Learn about several of the most prominent SUFFRAGE leaders from our home state! SUFFREAGE means the right to vote, and these Washington women were working for their right to vote. Find coloring pages for:
Fay fuller and Cora Eaton smith
The Washington State Insect is the Green Darner Dragonfly. It is also known as the “mosquito hawk.” Children from over 100 school districts participated in the selection of this State Insect in 1997. Dragonflies are older than dinosaurs and can fly 25 to 35 miles per hour. They are a beneficial contributor to the Washington ecosystem because they consume a large number of insect pests.
You can create a dragonfly with items from nature and a little bit a arts and crafts supplies. Find instructions HERE.
You can also make a Clothespin Magnet Dragonfly that can be very handy around the house!

Beaver Steals Fire: A Salish Coyote Story, by the Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes
A long, long time ago, the only animals who had fire lived in the land above, up in the sky. The animals on earth had no fire. It is very cold, and to keep warm, the Earth animals form a fire-raiding party and appoint Coyote as leader.
Find the Library book HERE.

The People of Cascadia: Pacific Northwest Native American History, by Heidi Bohan
This book, which is approved as a core text for Washington State’s Since Time Immemorial Curriculum, discusses the history and culture of Northwest Indigenous peoples.
Find the Library book HERE.